What's new?
What is new?
Aug. 2015 - Mattia Almansi joined
Prof. Tom Haine's
group at
The Johns Hopkins University
to pursue his Ph.D.
Jul. 2015 -
New paper on applying LAVA in the Gulf of Mexico
Feb. 2015 -
New paper on non-hydrostatic effects in the Irminger Sea
Nov. 2014 - Daniele Lagomarsino joined
Prof. Andrea Mazzino's
group at
University of Genoa
to pursue his Ph.D.
Oct. 2014 -
Laura Cimoli
Prof. David Marshall's
group at the
University of Oxford
to pursue her Ph.D.
Oct. 2014 -
New paper on the global importance of the Spill Jet
Jun. 2014 -
New paper on applying LAVA in the Ligurian Sea
Sep. 2013 -
New paper on fates and travel times of Denmark Strait Overflow waters
Jun. 2013 -
Laura Cimoli's work under the TOSCA project won the 2013 Alain Vatrican RAMOGE Prize
Jun. 2012 -
Our work in the Irminger Sea has been featured on the federal US Research.gov Science Highlights web page
Mar. 2012 -
Projects pages
Dec. 2011 -
New paper on the East Greenland Spill Jet
Jan. 2010 -
New papers on dispersion and coastal buoyant current
Jan. 2008 -
My first paper as first author!
Aug. 2006 -
Check who visited me!
Jun. 2005 -
BibTex entries of the publications
May 2004 -
We have been interviewed!
ArtWork images graciously donated by Graziella Fraschini