SINAPSI - "assistenza in SIcurezza alla Navigazione per l’Accesso ai Porti in SIcurezza", Interreg Italy-France "Marittimo" 2014-2020 European Programme. Role: PI for CNR-ISMAR. Period: from Jun. 2018 to current day. Budget: €575,025.00
SICOMAR-plus - "SIstema transfrontaliero per la sicurezza in mare COntro i rischi della navigazione e per la salvaguardia dell'ambiente MARino - plus", Interreg Italy-France "Marittimo" 2014-2020 European Programme. Role: PI for CNR-ISMAR. Period: from Jun. 2018 to current day. Budget: €746,109.08
IMPACT - "IMpatto Portuale su aree marine protette: Azioni Cooperative Transfrontaliere", Interreg Italy-France "Marittimo" 2014-2020 European Programme. Role: Project coordinator and leading PI. Period: from Mar. 2017 to current day. Budget: €1,932,234.85
JERICO-NEXT - "Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory, Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories", H2020 European MED Programme. Role: partecipation inside the CNR-ISMAR working group. Period: from Sept. 2015 to current day
MHYWAQ-MCA - "Modelling HYdrodynamics and WAter Quality in Marine and Coastal Areas", POR-CRO Fondo Sociale Europeo Regione Liguria, 2007-2013 Asse IV Capitale Umano. Role: Project coordinator. Period: from May 2013 to Sept. 2015. Budget: €52,000
RITMARE - "La Ricerca ITaliana per il MARE", National Flagship Research Programme funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. Role: PI of the Operative Unit SP2_WP2_AZ1_UO8. Period: from Jan. 2012 to Dec. 2015. Budget: €327,726.7
TOSCA - "Tracking Oil Spills & Coastal Awareness network", Interreg European MED Programme. Role: partecipation inside the CNR-ISMAR working group. Period: from Sept. 2011 to Febr. 2013
ArtWork images graciously donated by Graziella Fraschini