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AUTHOR = "L. P. Corgnati and M. Berta and Z. Kokkini and C. Mantovani and M. G. Magaldi and A. Molcard and A. Griffa",
TITLE = "Assessment of {OMA} gap-filling performances for multiple and single coastal {HF} radar systems: validation with drifter data in the {L}igurian {S}ea",
JOURNAL = "Remote Sens.",
YEAR = "2024",
volume = "16",
number = "13",
pages = "2458",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.3390/rs16132458}}"
AUTHOR = "M. Bendoni and A. M. Moore and A. Molcard and M. G. Magaldi and M. Fattorini and C. Brandini",
TITLE = "{4D-V}ar data assimilation and observation impact on surface transport of {HF-R}adar derived surface currents in the {N}orth-{W}estern {M}editerranean {S}ea",
JOURNAL = "Ocean Modell.",
YEAR = "2023",
volume = "184",
pages = "102236",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2023.102236}}"
AUTHOR = "R. Sciascia and K. Guizien and M. G. Magaldi",
TITLE = "Larval dispersal simulations and connectivity predictions for {M}editerranean gorgonian species: sensitivity to flow representation and biological traits",
JOURNAL = "ICES J. Mar. Sci.",
YEAR = "2022",
volume = "79",
number = "7",
pages = "2043--2054",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsac135}}"
AUTHOR = "{E. Reyes and E. Aguiar and M. Bendoni and M. Berta and C. Brandini and A. C{\'a}ceres-Euse and F. Capodici and V. Cardin and D. Cianelli and G. Ciraolo and L. Corgnati and V. Dadi{\'c} and B. Doronzo and A. Drago and D. Dumas and P. Falco and M. Fattorini and M. J. Fernandes and A. Gauci and R. G{\'o}mez and A. Griffa and C.-A. Gu{\'e}rin, C.-A. and I. Hern{\'a}ndez-Carrasco and J. Hern{\'a}ndez-Lasheras and M. Li{\v{c}}er and P. Lorente and M. G. Magaldi and C. Mantovani and H. Mihanovi{\'c} and A. Molcard and B. Mourre and A. R{\'e}velard, A. and C. Reyes-Su{\'a}rez and S. Saviano and R. Sciascia and S. Taddei and J. Tintor{\'e} and Y. Toledo and M. Uttieri and I. Vilibi{\'c} and E. Zambianchi and A. Orfila",
TITLE = "Coastal high-frequency radars in the {M}editerranean -- {P}art 2: Applications in support of science priorities and societal needs",
JOURNAL = "Ocean Sci.",
YEAR = "2022",
volume = "18",
number = "3",
pages = "797--837",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.5194/os-18-797-2022}}"
AUTHOR = "{P. Lorente and E. Aguiar and M. Bendoni and M. Berta and C. Brandini and A. C{\'a}ceres-Euse and F. Capodici and D. Cianelli and G. Ciraolo and L. Corgnati and V. Dadi{\'c} and B. Doronzo and A. Drago and D. Dumas and P. Falco and M. Fattorini and A. Gauci and R. G{\'o}mez and A. Griffa and C.-A. Gu{\'e}rin, C.-A. and I. Hern{\'a}ndez-Carrasco and J. Hern{\'a}ndez-Lasheras and M. Li{\v{c}}er and M. G. Magaldi and C. Mantovani and H. Mihanovi{\'c} and A. Molcard and B. Mourre and A. Orfila and A. R{\'e}velard, A. and E. Reyes and J. S{\'a}nchez and S. Saviano and R. Sciascia and S. Taddei and J. Tintor{\'e} and Y. Toledo and L. Ursella and M. Uttieri and I. Vilibi{\'c} and E. Zambianchi and V. Cardin",
TITLE = "Coastal high-frequency radars in the {M}editerranean -- {P}art 1: Status of operations and a framework for future development",
JOURNAL = "Ocean Sci.",
YEAR = "2022",
volume = "18",
number = "3",
pages = "761--795",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.5194/os-18-761-2022}}"
AUTHOR = "M. Berta and P.-M. Poulain and R. Sciascia and A. Griffa and M. G. Magaldi",
TITLE = "{CARTHE} drifters deployment within the {DDR20} - '{D}rifter {D}emonstration and {R}esearch 2020' experiment in the {NW} {M}editerranean {S}ea",
YEAR = "2021",
note = "[Data set]. Seanoe. {\href{}{doi:10.17882/85161}}"
AUTHOR = "K. von Schuckmann and P.-Y. Le Traon and N. Smith and A. Pascual and S. Djavidnia and J.-P. Gattuso and M. Gr{\'e}goire and G. Nolan and S. Aaboe and E. {\'A}. Fanjul and L. Aouf and R. Aznar and T. H. Badewien and A. Behrens and M. Berta and L. Bertino and J. Blackford and G. Bolzon and F. Borile and M. Bretagnon and R. J. W. Brewin and D. Canu and P. Cessi and S. Ciavatta and B. Chapron and T. T. Trang Chau and F. Chevallier and B. Chtirkova and S. Ciliberti and J. R. Clark and E. Clementi and C. Combot and E. Comerma and A. Conchon and G. Coppini and L. P. Corgnati and G. Cossarini and S. Cravatte and M. de Alfonso and C. de Boyer Mont{\'e}gut and C. De Lera Fern{\'a}ndez and F. J. de los Santos and A. Denvil-Sommer and {\'A}. de Pascual Collar and P. A. L. Dias Nunes and V. Di Biagio and M. Drudi and O. Embury and P. Falco and O. F. d'Andon and L. Ferrer and D. Ford and H. Freund and M. G. Le{\'o}n and M. G. Sotillo and J. M. Garc{\'i}a-Valdecasas and P. Garnesson and G. Garric and F. Gasparin and M. Gehlen and A. Genua-Olmedo and G. Geyer and A. Ghermandi and S. A. Good and J. Gourrion and E. Greiner and A. Griffa and M. Gonz{\'a}lez and I. Hern{\'a}ndez-Carrasco and S. Isoard and J. J. Kennedy and S. Kay and A. Korosov and K. Laanem{\"a}e and P. E. Land and T. Lavergne and P. Lazzari and J.-F. Legeais and B. Lemieux and B. Levier and W. Llovel and V. Lyubartsev and P.-Y. Le Traon and V. S. Lien and L. Lima and P. Lorente and J. Mader and M. G. Magaldi and I. Maljutenko and A. Mangin and C. Mantovani and V. Marinova and S. Masina and E. Mauri and J. Meyerj{\"u}rgens and A. Mignot and R. McEwan and C. Mejia and A. Melet and M. Menna and B. Meyssignac and A. Mouche and B. Mourre and M. M{\"u}ller and G. Notarstefano and A. Orfila and S. Pardo and E. Peneva and B. P{\'e}rez-G{\'o}mez and C. Perruche and M. Peterlin and P.-M. Poulain and N. Pinardi and Y. Quilfen and U. Raudsepp and R. Renshaw and A. R{\'e}velard and E. Reyes-Reyes and M. Ricker and P. Rodr{\'i}guez-Rubio and P. Rotll{\'a}n and E. R. Gelabert and A. Rubio and I. Ruiz-Parrado and S. Sathyendranath and J. She and K. von Schuckmann and C. Solidoro and E. V. Stanev and J. Staneva and A. Storto and J. Su and T. T. Bakhsh and G. H. Tilstone and J. Tintor{\'e} and C. Toledano and J. Tournadre and B. Tranchant and R. Uiboupin and A. Valcarcel and N. Valcheva and N. Verbrugge and M. Vrac and J.-O. Wolff and E. Zambianchi and O. Zielinski and A.-S. Zinck and S. Zunino",
TITLE = "{Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 4}",
JOURNAL = "J. Oper. Oceanogr.",
YEAR = "2020",
volume = "13",
number = "S1",
pages = "S1--S172",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1080/1755876X.2020.1785097}}"
AUTHOR = "M. Berta and R. Sciascia and M. G. Magaldi and A. Griffa",
TITLE = "Drifter deployment in the framework of the {IMPACT} ({P}ort impacts on marine protected areas: transnational cooperative actions) project",
YEAR = "2020",
note = "[Data set]. Seanoe. {\href{}{doi:10.17882/72369}}"
AUTHOR = "C. Mazoyer and H. Vanneste and C. Dufresne and Y. Ourmi{\`e}res and M. G. Magaldi and A. Molcard",
TITLE = "Impact of wind-driven circulation on contaminant dispersion in a semi-enclosed bay",
JOURNAL = "Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci.",
YEAR = "2020",
volume = "233",
number = "2020",
eid = "106529",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106529}}"
AUTHOR = "F. Enrile and G. Besio and A. Stocchino and M. G. Magaldi",
TITLE = "Influence of initial conditions on absolute and relative dispersion in semi-enclosed basins",
YEAR = "2019",
volume = "14",
number = "7",
eid = "e0217073",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0217073}}"
AUTHOR = "R. Sciascia and M. G. Magaldi and A. Vetrano",
TITLE = "Current reversal and associated variability within the {C}orsica {C}hannel: the 2004 case study",
JOURNAL = "Deep Sea Res. I",
YEAR = "2019",
volume = "144",
number = "2",
pages = "39--51",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2018.12.004}}"
AUTHOR = "M. G. Magaldi and C. Mantovani and S. Cosoli",
TITLE = "Current velocities measured by {HF} radars in {G}ulf of {T}rieste - {A}pril 2012",
YEAR = "2019",
note = "[Data set]. Zenodo. {\href{}{doi:10.5281/zenodo.3245408}}"
AUTHOR = "N. J. Fraser and M. E. Inall and M. G. Magaldi and T. W. N. Haine and S. C. Jones",
TITLE = "Wintertime fjord-shelf interaction and ice sheet melting in {S}outheast {G}reenland",
JOURNAL = "J. Geophys. Res.",
YEAR = "2018",
volume = "123",
number = "12",
pages = "9156--9177",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1029/2018JC014435}}"
AUTHOR = "R. Sciascia and M. Berta and D. F. Carlson and A. Griffa and M. Panfili and M. La Mesa and L. P. Corgnati and C. Mantovani and E. Domenella and E. Fredj and M. G. Magaldi and R. D'Adamo and G. Pazienza and E. Zambianchi and P.-M. Poulain",
TITLE = "Linking sardine recruitment in coastal areas to ocean currents using surface drifters and {HF} radar. {A} case study in the {G}ulf of {M}anfredonia, {A}driatic {S}ea",
JOURNAL = "Ocean Sci.",
YEAR = "2018",
volume = "14",
number = "6",
pages = "1461--1482",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.5194/os-14-1461-2018}}"
AUTHOR = "M. Berta and L. Bellomo and A. Griffa and M. G. Magaldi and A. Molcard and C. Mantovani and G. P. Gasparini and J. Marmain and A. Vetrano and L. B\'eguery and M. Borghini and Y. Barbain and J. Gaggelli and C. Quentin",
TITLE = "Wind induced variability in the {N}orthern {C}urrent ({North-Western Mediterranean Sea}) as depicted by a multi-platform observing system",
JOURNAL = "Ocean Sci.",
YEAR = "2018",
volume = "14",
number = "4",
pages = "689--710",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.5194/os-14-689-2018}}"
AUTHOR = "F. Enrile and G. Besio and A. Stocchino and M. G. Magaldi and C. Mantovani and S. Cosoli and R. Gerin and P.-M. Poulain",
TITLE = "Evaluation of surface {L}agrangian transport barriers in the {G}ulf of {T}rieste",
JOURNAL = "Cont. Shelf Res.",
YEAR = "2018",
volume = "118",
number = "4",
pages = "125--138",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.csr.2018.04.016}}"
AUTHOR = "M. Almansi and T. W. N. Haine and R. S. Pickart and M. G. Magaldi and R. Gelderloos and D. Mastropole",
TITLE = "High-frequency variability in the circulation and hydrography of the {D}enmark {S}trait {O}verflow from a high-resolution numerical model",
JOURNAL = "J. Phys. Oceanogr.",
YEAR = "2017",
volume = "47",
number = "12",
pages = "2999--3013",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1175/JPO-D-17-0129.1}}"
AUTHOR = "R. Gelderloos and T. W. N. Haine and I. M. Koszalka and M. G. Magaldi",
TITLE = "Seasonal variability in warm-water inflow towards {K}angerdlugssuaq {F}jord",
JOURNAL = "J. Phys. Oceanogr.",
YEAR = "2017",
volume = "47",
number = "7",
pages = "1695--1699",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1175/JPO-D-16-0202.1}}"
AUTHOR = "I. M. Koszalka and T. W. N. Haine and M. G. Magaldi",
TITLE = "Mesoscale mixing of the {D}enmark {S}trait {O}verflow in the {I}rminger {B}asin",
JOURNAL = "Ocean Modell.",
YEAR = "2017",
volume = "112",
pages = "90--98",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.03.001}}"
AUTHOR = "G. Suaria and C. G. Avio and A. Mineo and G. Lattin and M. G. Magaldi and G. Belmonte and C. Moore and F. Regoli and S. Aliani",
TITLE = "The {M}editerranean plastic soup: synthetic polymers in {M}editerranean surface waters",
JOURNAL = "Sci. Rep.",
YEAR = "2016",
volume = "6",
pages = "37551",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1038/srep37551}}"
AUTHOR = "A. J. Mariano and E. H. Ryan and H. S. Huntley and L. C. Laurindo and E. Coelho and A. Griffa and T. M. {\"O}zg{\"o}kmen and M. Berta and D. Bogucki and S. Chen and M. Curcic and K. L. Drouin and M. Gough and B. K. Haus and A. C. Haza and P. Hogan and M. Iskandarani and G. Jacobs and A. D. Kirwan and N. Laxague and B. Lipphardt and M. G. Magaldi and G. Novelli and A. Reniers and J. M. Restrepo and C. Smith and A. Valle-Levinson and M. Wei",
TITLE = "Statistical properties of the surface velocity field in the northern {G}ulf of {M}exico sampled by {GLAD} drifters",
JOURNAL = "J. Geophys. Res.",
YEAR = "2016",
volume = "121",
pages = "5193--5216",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1002/2015JC011569}}"
AUTHOR = "D. F. Carlson and A. Griffa and E. Zambianchi and G. Suaria and L. P. Corgnati and M. G. Magaldi and P.-M. Poulain and A. Russo and L. Bellomo and C. Mantovani and P. Celentano and A. Molcard and M. Borghini",
TITLE = "Observed and modeled surface {L}agrangian transport between coastal regions in the {A}driatic {S}ea with implications for marine protected areas",
JOURNAL = "Cont. Shelf Res.",
YEAR = "2016",
volume = "118",
pages = "23--48",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.csr.2016.02.012}}"
AUTHOR = "L. Bellomo and A. Griffa and S. Cosoli and P. Falco and R. Gerin and I. Iermano and A. Kalampokis and Z. Kokkini and A. Lana and M. G. Magaldi and I. Mamoutos and C. Mantovani and J. Marmain and E. Potiris and J. M. Sayol and Y. Barbin and M. Berta and M. Borghini and A. Bussani and L. P. Corgnati and Q. Dagneaux and J. Gaggelli and P. Guterman and D. Mallarino and A. Mazzoldi and A. Molcard and A. Orfila and P.-M. Poulain and C. Quentin and J. Tintor\'e and M. Uttieri and A. Vetrano and E. Zambianchi and V. Zervakis",
TITLE = "Toward an integrated {HF} radar network in the {M}editerranean {S}ea to improve search and rescue and oil spill response: the {TOSCA} project experience",
JOURNAL = "J. Oper. Oceanogr.",
YEAR = "2016",
volume = "8",
number = "2",
pages = "95--107",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1080/1755876X.2015.1087184}}"
AUTHOR = "M. Berta and A. Griffa and M. G. Magaldi and T. M. {\"O}zg{\"o}kmen and A. C. Poje and A. C. Haza and M. J. Olascoaga",
TITLE = "Improved surface velocity and trajectory estimates in the {G}ulf of {M}exico from blended satellite altimetry and drifter data",
JOURNAL = "J. Atmos. Ocean Tech.",
YEAR = "2015",
volume = "32",
pages = "1880--1901",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-14-00226.1}}"
AUTHOR = "M. G. Magaldi and T. W. N. Haine",
TITLE = "Hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic simulations of dense waters cascading off a shelf: the {E}ast {G}reenland case",
JOURNAL = "Deep Sea Res. I",
YEAR = "2015",
volume = "96",
pages = "89--104",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2014.10.008}}"
AUTHOR = "S. Aliani and M. Berta and M. Borghini and D. F. Carlson and A. Conversi and L. P. Corgnati and A. Griffa and M. G. Magaldi and C. Mantovani and S. Marini and L. Mazzei and G. Suaria and A. Vetrano",
TITLE = "Biodiversity conservation: an example of a multidisciplinary approach to marine dispersal",
JOURNAL = "Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei",
YEAR = "2015",
volume = "26",
pages = "37--48",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1007/s12210-014-0357-2}}"
AUTHOR = "M. Berta and L. Bellomo and M. G. Magaldi and A. Griffa and A. Molcard and J. Marmain and M. Borghini and V. Taillandier",
TITLE = "Estimating {L}agrangian transport blending drifters with {HF} radar data and models: results from the {TOSCA} experiment in the {L}igurian {C}urrent ({North Western Mediterranean Sea})",
JOURNAL = "Progr. Oceanogr.",
YEAR = "2014",
volume = "128",
pages = "15--29",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2014.08.004}}"
AUTHOR = "W.-J. {von Appen} and I. M. Koszalka and R. S. Pickart and T. W. N. Haine and D. Mastropole and M. G. Magaldi and H. Valdimarsson and J. Girton and K. Jochumsen and G. Krahmann",
TITLE = "The {East Greenland Spill Jet} as an important component of the {Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation}",
JOURNAL = "Deep Sea Res. I",
YEAR = "2014",
volume = "92",
pages = "75--84",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2014.06.002}}"
AUTHOR = "I. M. Koszalka and T. W. N. Haine and M. G. Magaldi",
TITLE = "Fates and travel times of {D}enmark {S}trait {O}verflow {W}ater in the {I}rminger {B}asin",
JOURNAL = "J. Phys. Oceanogr.",
YEAR = "2013",
volume = "43",
number = "12",
pages = "2611--2628",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-023.1}}"
AUTHOR = "M. G. Magaldi and T. W. N. Haine and R. S. Pickart",
TITLE = "On the nature and variability of the {E}ast {G}reenland {S}pill {J}et: a case study in summer 2003",
JOURNAL = "J. Phys. Oceanogr.",
YEAR = "2011",
volume = "41",
number = "12",
pages = "2307--2327",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1175/JPO-D-10-05004.1}}"
AUTHOR = "P. {De Gaetano} and P. Vassallo and M. Bartoli and D. Nizzoli and A. M. Doglioli and M. G. Magaldi and M. Fabiano",
TITLE = "Impact of new measured {M}editerranean mineralisation rates on the fate of simulated aquaculture wastes",
JOURNAL = "Aquaculture Res.",
YEAR = "2011",
volume = "42",
number = "9",
pages = "1359--1370",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2010.02724.x}}"
AUTHOR = "M. G. Magaldi and T. M. {\"O}zg{\"o}kmen and A. Griffa and M. Rixen",
TITLE = "On the response of a turbulent coastal buoyant current to wind events: the case of the {W}estern {A}driatic {C}urrent",
JOURNAL = "Ocean Dyn.",
YEAR = "2010",
volume = "60",
number = "1",
pages = "93--122",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1007/s10236-009-0247-9}}"
AUTHOR = "A. C. Poje and A. C. Haza and T. M. {\"O}zg{\"o}kmen and M. G. Magaldi and Z. D. Garraffo",
TITLE = "Resolution dependent relative dispersion statistics in a hierarchy of ocean models",
JOURNAL = "Ocean Modell.",
YEAR = "2010",
volume = "31",
number = "1-2",
pages = "36--50",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2009.09.002}}"
AUTHOR = "A. Mercatini and A. Griffa and L. Piterbarg and E. Zambianchi and M. G. Magaldi",
TITLE = "Estimating surface velocities from satellite data and numerical models: implementation and testing of a new simple method",
JOURNAL = "Ocean Modell.",
YEAR = "2010",
volume = "33",
number = "1-2",
pages = "190--203",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.01.003}}"
AUTHOR = "M. G. Magaldi and T. M. {\"O}zg{\"o}kmen and A. Griffa and E. P. Chassignet and M. Iskandarani and H. Peters",
TITLE = "Turbulent flow regimes behind a coastal cape in a stratified and rotating environment",
JOURNAL = "Ocean Modell.",
YEAR = "2008",
volume = "25",
number = "1-2",
pages = "65--82",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.06.006}}"
AUTHOR = "P. {De Gaetano} and A. M. Doglioli and M. G. Magaldi and P. Vassallo and M. Fabiano",
TITLE = "{FOAM}, a new simple degradative module for the {LAMP3D} model: an application to a {M}editerranean fish farm",
JOURNAL = "Aquaculture Res.",
YEAR = "2008",
volume = "39",
number = "11",
pages = "1229--1242",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2008.01990.x}}"
AUTHOR = "A. M. Doglioli and A. Griffa and M. G. Magaldi",
TITLE = "Numerical study of a coastal current on a steep slope in presence of a cape: the case of the {P}romontorio di {P}ortofino",
JOURNAL = "J. Geophys. Res.",
YEAR = "2004",
volume = "109",
eid = "C12033",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1029/2004JC002422}}"
AUTHOR = "A. M. Doglioli and M. G. Magaldi and L. Vezzulli and S. Tucci",
TITLE = "Development of a numerical model to study the dispersion of wastes coming from a marine fish farm in the {L}igurian {S}ea ({W}estern {M}editerranean)",
JOURNAL = "Aquaculture",
YEAR = "2004",
volume = "231",
number = "1-4",
pages = "215--235",
note = "{\href{}{doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2003.09.030}}"
ArtWork images graciously donated by Graziella Fraschini